Lead with Confidence

90 day coaching, training and implementation for a select and intimate group of  leaders

(Next programme launches April 2024) 




Laser focus on the actions, skills and beliefs you need to lead with confidence, embody the best version of you and get great results without overwhelm

Yes, I want this!

As a leader, you support others to get the best out of themselves. But who’s doing that for YOU?

You’ve worked hard to get to where you are. But leadership is an ever-evolving role and in a competitive environment, you know you can’t afford to stand still.

And now that you’ve reached mid-life you’ve realised that something isn’t working for you anymore.

You’ve still got the drive and determination to be the best leader you can be, empowering your team and driving company initiatives to hit targets and make a difference.

But lately, you feel as though there’s something missing or you're ready for a new challenge.

✓ You’re overstretched, stuck on the treadmill of trying to do more with less, which means you rarely have time to pause and think about what you want or how to change things for the better (so all those ideas you have never come to fruition).

✓ Your usual confidence in your abilities has been replaced by a little voice saying, ‘is this it?’ or ‘am I still good enough?’ Perhaps you’ve become fearful at times of speaking up in case you look foolish, so you push yourself harder to prove you’re as good as your peers, even though you know it’s not sustainable

✓ Your compassionate traits have tipped over into people-pleasing and avoidance of difficult conversations, making it feel impossible to have boundaries that your colleagues will respect

✓ You find yourself overthinking and feeling isolated and alone in dealing with all the new challenges you face as a leader

✓  You feel under-supported because you don’t have a safe space where you can ask questions or try new things without fear of judgement – or your boss is just so busy to give you the time and direction you crave

✓ Your own growth has stalled because you don’t have a way of cross-pollinating ideas with like-minded peers who aren’t in your own organisation

The good news is it doesn’t need to be that way. Imagine instead…

🠲 Having rock-solid confidence and self-belief in your own abilities, with a sense of ‘can do’ and courage, knowing that you can handle whatever comes your way as a leader

🠲 A team that's performing and motivated - without all the drama and time-wasting confusion 

🠲 Having the foundations and cutting-edge skills to tackle ‘tricky’ situations with ease…whether it’s difficult conversations, strategic work, or asking for what you need

🠲 Having the time and space to focus on the important principles which will move the needle instead of getting sucked into the minutiae of day-to-day tactics

🠲 Being able to set and stick to personal boundaries which your colleagues respect, so you no longer take on work that isn’t yours to own

🠲 Feeling motivated, fulfilled, and re-ignited in your passion for leadership…whether that’s in your current position, or saying 'yes' to other exciting opportunities that come your way

🠲 Finally feeling fully supported in your role, with a safe space where you can ask questions, and explore new ideas, so you can contribute and grow exponentially, to benefit you and your organisation

Lynn Scott - My Leadership Story

I remember the excitement and joy when I was promoted to my first senior role.

Leading a team of 12 managers and 100 staff based all around the world.

And I also remember the sense of absolute fear.

They’ll realise I don’t really know as much as they think I do.’

How come everyone else is so smart and knowledgeable and brave and innovative and clever….and I feel like I’m that gawky, awkward 14-year-old again’.

And not only that.

Working weekends and evenings just to keep up. (But avoiding the ‘strategic things’ with my ‘too busy right now’ excuses).

The never-ending ‘do more with less’ budget cuts and some business practices that didn’t really chime with my values.

Trying to please everyone – boss, colleagues, team - but never pleasing myself. (Who knew you could set boundaries?!)


I was unhappily single, my friendships suffered because I was always too busy, and I started to feel fat and frumpy because I wasn’t taking care of myself.

I’d love to say someone came with a magic wand to fix all of this for me.

But it was a long, slow process of change over time (I could have done it in a tenth of the time if I knew then what I know now).

A delightful trainer helped me understand how to lead my team using a ‘coaching approach’ (it wasn’t called that at the time) which gave them accountability instead of coming to me for every decision.

An unkind colleague told me I needed to 'stand up for myself and stop sitting on the fence' (thinking back, she probably meant it kindly but I felt attacked and humiliated and started to cry. Oh, the shame!).

I had to learn about getting my message across in a room full of alphas in suits – it took me a while, but with trial and error, practise, and a few deep breaths, my confidence grew.

And that leadership confidence propelled me forward, opened doors and gave me choices.

Choice is the Ultimate Freedom

But it had taken me three long years to get to that point.

Three years! It was that big ‘a-ha’ that made me realise I didn’t want other leaders to struggle in the same way I had.

It was a shame it had taken so long as it meant that I wasn’t fulfilling my potential and the organisation definitely wasn’t getting the best out of me.

With that as my driving force over the last twenty years, I’ve now packaged up everything I’ve learned to give you the simple and powerful processes to shortcut your journey so you can become the powerful and confident leader you deserve to be without the slow growth, long meandering paths going nowhere and pain and frustration that I experienced for way too long.

Kerry Barnard

“Lynn's practical support, honest feedback and encouragement has massively improved my confidence and self-belief.

At times in the past I might have shied away from contributing at a senior level, but I’m now making the difficult decisions, I've got much firmer boundaries and I'm comfortable when connecting with the most senior stakeholder, which means I've got more influence to change things for the better.

The best result? An opportunity to set up a brand-new international project which is key to our business success.

Lynn is the epitome a leadership coach, she has an innate ability to positively challenge whilst providing practical support, always providing honest constructive feedback underpinned with reassurance & encouragement, giving you the strength and ability to succeed.”

Head of Client Services, Bauer Media
Yes, I want this!

Here’s Why You'll Love This Programme


Reason 1

90 days + of continuous support and bite-sized online modules (Practical not theoretical) with lifetime access. 

No more cramming everything into a short, intensive  programme and being too busy to put what you've learned into practice.

No time-wasting tasks to tick boxes.

Reason 2

Implementation, coaching and accountability in real time.

Two Productivity Pods dedicated to getting those important things done there and then.  (The perfect antidote to procrastination!)

Presentations, restructure plans, interview preparation.... you name it, we do it . It's one of those simple but powerful ideas that changes your world.

Reason 3

Masterclasses that get immediate results

Impact, Influence and Story Telling

Two part practical and interactive master class to  work on your gravitas and impact in real time.

Conversational Intelligence® in Practice 

Experiential masterclass that builds your influence and ability to connect with ease -  building morale, trust and motivation.

Reason 4

Coaching and training with an intimate group of like-minded leaders that gets results and keeps you on track.

 You'll find all the dates for the live calls  in the FAQs below (all calls except Productivity Pod calls are recorded).

Private Facebook Group  for your group ONLY. 



What's included in the online training modules?


Mindset Mastery

You can have all the tools, models and frameworks in the world, but if you want to make your success inevitable you need the right mindset which translate into the right daily habits.

We’ll kick off the programme with your five daily ‘must have’ leadership mindsets to get you off the starting blocks.

And I’ll be working with you personally throughout the programme on your thoughts and beliefs so they’re working for you not against you. (From my personal experience this is the most life-changing work we can do).

You’ll use the following tools:

Tool 1 - Fixed vs. growth mindset template – Know the difference. Help your team to know the difference. And watch your success grow as you build mindset momentum.

Tool 2 -I don’t have enough time’ could be a mindset that is holding you back (yes, honestly!). My Beat overwhelm in 20 minutes a day cheat sheet gives you ten simple steps to get you off the starting blocks when lack of time feels like your biggest challenge. Expect to be challenged (with love!) by me when you say ‘I don’t have time’.

Tool 3 - ‘Activate your RAS’ graphics – how do we keep our new beliefs and mindsets top of mind every single day? We use my ‘print and go’ graphics or we design one specifically for you - because they activate your reticular activating system meaning you keep them front of mind day in and day out.

Tame your Inner Critic

Every single person I’ve ever met has an ‘inner critic’ that shows up from time to time – or a lot of the time! I certainly recognise mine now when it shows its ugly head.

It’s that voice or ‘thing’ that tells you to stay quiet, please people, overwork, not set boundaries, put yourself down and doubt yourself. It keeps you playing small and missing out on opportunities.

Recognising it, knowing how it originated and then being able to tame it ‘in the moment’ is certainly the most liberating and confidence enhancing leadership (and personal) work we can do.

You’ll use the following tools:

Tool 1 – Understand your inner scripts worksheet (which script is yours?). Make those inner scripts conscious, recognise the ones that hold you back and write yourself a new, empowering story.

Tool 2 – Limiting beliefs checklist – Your beliefs are not the truth. My checklist will help you recognise the beliefs that hold you back from shining your light. Recognise them, move them from your subconscious to your conscious mind so that you can change them. A-ha moments a-plenty.

In this module I’ll also share some basic but important neuroscience to help you understand your own ‘trigger responses’ along with two simple but powerful strategies to recognise them and course correct ‘in the moment’ - so you’re never left wishing ‘I could have said or I should have done……’

Leadership Essentials

By module 3 you’ll have newfound confidence and self-awareness so it’s the perfect time to get your leadership ducks in a row with my Leadership Essentials.

All these tools are designed to help you take the guess work out of the strategic elements of leadership.

You’ll be using the following tools:

Tool 1 - Team Mission and Purpose blueprint – this tool makes writing these a doddle. It’s easy for you and your team to be on the same page and have a clear ‘end in mind’ when you start here.

Tool 2 – Team Values exercise – There’s so much nonsense and BS written in organisations about values. No more. Actions speak louder than words so make your values count and make them work in your real world.

Tool 3 – The Golden Rules of Focus - When there’s so much to do, you can lose sight of what’s important. No more long lists of actions or complicated spreadsheets. My simple Plan on a Page can be displayed where everyone can see it. A fool proof way to keep your priorities top of mind.

Tools 4 – and 5 Masterful Meetings Frameworks - New research shows that 70% of all meetings keep employees from – well, working! And 92% of employees consider meetings to be costly and unproductive (Source: Harvard Business Review, March 2022). I guarantee with my two frameworks your meetings will be the focused and purposeful ones worth attending. They’ll also be shorter, sweeter, more inclusive and more action oriented – guaranteed!

Words create worlds

Most things in life happen through conversations. So why do so many miss the mark?
The Conversational Intelligence ® tools (C-IQ) I share with you are only available via this programme.

You’ll learn how to have conversations that build trust, that motivate and engage.

You'll influence more quickly, build stronger relationships and get things done with less hassle.

‘Difficult conversations’ will simply become ‘conversations’. No need to wake up sweating and worrying about them at 3am because you’ll have the tools and language to make even those sensitive conversations much more easeful.

It's conversational neuroscience but it's not rocket science!

You’ll use the following tools.

Tool 1 – The C-IQ essentials®. Reset your neurochemistry to co-create conversations with ease – every single conversation is more productive for everyone when you use these simple but powerful tools.

Tool 2 – Listen to connect – much more powerful than ‘listening to understand’. Leapfrog your ability to connect, navigate and grow with others (which means more buy in, more engagement, better accountability – and less on your plate)

Tool 3 – Ask questions for which you have no answers – shift those conversations from cortisol based to oxytocin based to build trust, encourage accountability and help others step up and flourish.

Tool 4 – Double clicking – THE tool to avoid ambiguity, wrong assumptions and ‘I thought you meant……’ confusion.

Tool 5 – Build your conversational agility® with the ‘3 Rs’. Too many people at work are operating from a place of fear; from their primitive  brain, which keeps them stuck, fearful or resistant. No more. These tools will help you get people ‘unstuck’ and moving forward in the right direction.

In this module you’ll also get my practical strategies and shortcuts for managing your boss, dealing with the ‘energy vampires’ at work and avoiding the dreaded ‘piggy in the middle’ role that batters your boundaries.

+ you get these Bonuses

Bonus 1

Trust and Psychological Safety

Ever wonder how you can shortcut and cement the trust-building process in teams? This masterclass helps you take the guesswork out of how to get started and will help you quickly and effectively develop rapport and rock-solid trust within your team.

You’ll use the following tools:

Tool 1 – The 5-step process to building trust in your team. Follow these guidelines and you’re well on your way to open-ness, honesty and transparency in your team. And that means better results, more quickly and with less pain.

Tool 2 – The Eight Hour Revolution Team Builder made simple. No need to spend tortuous days ‘team building’ when nothing really changes. Join my eight hour revolution instead for team building agility.

Bonus 2 

Mindset Mastery

This masterclass builds on what you learned in Module 1.

You can change your worldview from ‘fixed’ to ‘growth’ and you can help others change theirs too.

In this masterclass I dig deep into HOW to do this on a daily basis (no fluff or woo woo) and avoid the mindset ‘traps’ so you’re always operating from a position of strength and self-belief.

And we dig even deeper into this topic on our weekly live calls.

Bonus 3

Impostor Syndrome

Ever felt like an impostor? You’re not alone.

Feeling like a fraud or feeling you’re going to be ‘found out’ can be very common when you’re taking on a new challenge or stepping up into newer, bigger, better.

But once we recognise it, we can stop it in its tracks.

You’ll be using this tool:

Tool 1 - 9 ways to manage your impostor checklist (a step by step approach you can use anywhere, anyplace, anytime to kill your impostor stone dead).

Note:  Impostor is the original researchers' spelling. But you can use Imposter if you prefer!

Yes, I want this!

Kirsty Tompkin

“Working with Lynn has changed what I do for the better. I have an inner confidence in myself and my ability that I didn't have before, and even if doubt creeps in, I have the tools to get back on track straight away. I'm leading my team with more conviction and having more of a voice in meetings. The shift in beliefs about myself has had a huge positive impact in every area of my life.”

Partner & Director of Finance, Nelsons Solicitors Ltd

6 distinctive steps to get you where you want to be


Step 1 - Online Learning

Join the programme any time for immediate access to your online  modules (module details above). Video, audio and transcript for every bite-sized lesson in each module  plus  simple and powerful exercises for you and your team.  Download and go! And you've got access to these for the lifetime of the programme and beyond.  



Step 2 - 1-1 and Group Coaching

First we create your 90-day breakthrough plan. That's you and me together 1-1 for 60 minutes. I'm going to encourage you to think bold, brave and big and then work your plan in small steps day by day. It's stretching but definitely not overwhelming.

Group learning - We meet weekly -   via Zoom from 10 April - 3 July. You stay on track, take action and get everything you need to succeed -  plus accountability, feedback, tools and techniques  and  coaching from me. 

(Zoom calls recorded in case you can't make the live call AND an opportunity to re-watch in your own time).

Step 3 - Private Community

Join the private Facebook group (ONLY for your cohort).

Q and A, encouragement, accountability and the joy of working with an intimate group of like-minded leaders who've got your back.

Step 4 - Live Masterclasses 

Interactive and experiential. Two x half day  sessions with our trained actor Richard to help you build your impact and storytelling skills.   He's knowledgeable, empowering and fun!

(These are in addition to the three mini-masterclasses in your training library).


Step 5 - Implementation

Join my two live Productivity Pod sessions where we get the really important stuff done. It's the antidote to procrastination and 'stuckness'!

Most of my clients continue with these in their own teams - liberating, energising, satisfying, super-efficient.


Step 6 - Belief Building

The golden thread.  Once you recognise how your thoughts impact your feelings, actions and results you will never be stuck again.

This is the most powerful work you will ever do. FACT.


Want more info?


CLICK HERE to book a call with Lynn or email [email protected].  I can send you a downloadable PDF with the programme details too.  

Zoe Williams

“Doing the Leading with Confidence course with Lynn has been something of a revelation for me. I have done a few courses and training days before but this one has really made a difference. I joined feeling a bit stuck, like I was never going to progress and that I wasn't communicating 'upwards' effectively or presenting a serious profile. Lynn really helped me focus on what I was personally finding difficult and challenged me in an unthreatening way to try out different ways of behaving. I just feel much more whole myself at work - I am presenting a more serious and confident me and feel I am seeing and hearing others more effectively (& less threateningly) that I had been doing. The course is already paying off, with higher profile projects coming my way and discussions about increasing the size of my team - I feel I am in a good place and looking forward to finding new opportunities and making decisions about my future..”

Zoe Williams, Culture Lead - Libraries, Galleries and Culture, Manchester City Council

Lynn Scott - Experience and Qualifications


I know, everyone calls themselves a coach these days.  But I can assure you I'm the real deal with 20 years' experience working with CEOs, MDs, senior leaders and talented middle leaders with huge potential.

I completed my  Advanced Professional Diploma in Executive coaching in 2002 and  Postgraduate  Diploma in Coaching Psychology in 2005.  I'm one of fewer than 65 International Coach Federation  Master Coaches (MCC) in the UK.  And that's just for starters.

My client list includes:

Airbus, Arla Foods, Bauer Media, BP,  Blue Chip Marketing, British Transport Police, Coca Cola, Co-operative Group,  Cherry London, GMC, Greater Manchester Police, Land Registry,  Marks and Spencer Direct,  IMI Precision Engineering, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group, Join the Dots, Manchester Business School,  Manchester City Council,  Stockport Council, Sheffield City Council,  Thwaites,  Torus,  A variety of NHS Trusts and NHS Leadership Academy,  Unilever,  University of Manchester  and more.


But I know that what you care about is that you'll make progress on your dreams and goals in a way that sticks and has lasting impact.

I've been running this programme since May 2020. If you want to know what to expect when you work with me then take a look at the testimonials here and on my website www.lynnscottcoaching.co.uk


Michelle Le Prevost

"Highly recommended. Thank you Lynn Scott for your unwavering support. If you're unsure about working with Lynn, my advice is - invest in yourself as a leader.
It will change everything for the better."

Helen Mullinder

"The best thing of all is that before this programme I didn’t feel like a leader and used to think there was a limit to how far I could go – I don’t believe any of that now."

ISO Service Delivery Manager, Sellafield Ltd
Yes, I want this!

This Is For You if:

  •  You want to achieve more without doing more
  • You're a leader who loves 'real world' guidance, advice, tips and stuff you can use straight away
  • You're ready to step up and you'd love some  expert support and guidance to shorten your learning curve
  • You know you can do greater things but there is something holding you back (For most of us that's fear - of failure, of success, of the unknown). I've got your back on this one.
  • You want to make more of an impact with your team and within your organisation
  • You want to stop procrastinating, ruminating or overthinking


This Is Not For You if:

  • You have no say over how you run your working day
  • You want academic theory with no practical application
  • You're not willing to show up, ask questions and do the work
  • You're not ready to stretch your comfort zone and experiment with new ways of doing things
  • You want to blame others for things rather than look at yourself 
  • You want specific HR/Employment Law guidance.  
  • You prefer to work with me 1-1 (see below)

Darren Wiltshire

"Lynn is a great coach – she challenges your thinking and as a result I’ve spent more time pushing through important change initiatives which had been on the ‘to do’ list for so long.  My confidence and ability to influence at senior level improved, I spend less time in meetings and more time building business relationships externally and with my team.  Every incremental improvement adds up to significant change over the 90 day programme. "

Head of Infrastructure, Bauer Media

Yvonne Buchanan Coutts

"Lynn is an amazing coach and mentor and the small group has been extremely supportive. It's enlightening to find that you are not the only one with particular feelings and issues. The group discussions, resources, videos and coaching have made me think about the kind of leader I want to be in my new role. I would highly recommend this programme - you will definitely notice a positive difference in the way you and your team work."

Education Manager

Michelle Woodfield

"I am influencing at a more senior level, delegating more, managing my personal boundaries and leading the team with more confidence, gravitas and direction."

Investment Consultant Team Lead, Aon
Yes, I want this!

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, I want this!

I've been featured in

What's it like to work with Lynn?

Gareth McGuinness

"This programme has helped me and exceeded my expectations.  My confidence has increased which was my main focus. I have a better understanding of where and when I need to use my natural energy to get things done quickly and where I need to have calm gravitas. I’ve learned tools and techniques to help ask much more probing questions to allow others space to think and come up with their own solutions which is helping people step up and grow."

Gareth McGuinness, VP Technology, Glaxo Smith Kline

Susie Burdekin

"Since being on the programme I’ve been able to put myself 'out there’ more and raise my profile in my industry. I’ve struggled with confidence in raising my profile in the past and procrastinated behind the ‘busy being busy’ excuse for a long time. But since working with Lynn, I’ve published new articles, made more connections and now looking forward to speaking and hosting panels. Can’t recommend the programme enough!"

The Drill Company

Next Programme starts April  2024

A Reminder of What's Included

 Live Support

 11 x 90 minute group coaching calls with Lynn to keep you focused and  on track

1-1 Breakthrough to Success Planning Session with Lynn plus final 1-1 review post programme

2 Productivity Pods - stop talking, start doing!

Experiential masterclasses to get you connecting, influencing, inspiring and engaging sooo much more easily

Accountability, feedback, challenge and support

Online Support

4 Online training modules in video, audio and transcript format - bite sized practical learning you can use right away with worksheets, checklists, blueprints and more

3  online mini-masterclasses - Impostor Syndrome, Mindset Mastery and Trust and Psychological Safety 

Private Facebook Community for this cohort only

Join the programme any time

When I'm raring to go, I hate having to wait.

I don't want you to wait, either. Once you book your place you get access to all the training modules and  bonus masterclasses.   You then join the  next coaching group ( The next one starts April 2024). 

You could be off to a great start today.

Are you ready to shine your light? 

I know how it feels when you can't see the wood for the trees.

I know how it feels to want more 'me' time or 'us' time or family time and do meaningful work that energises and fulfils.

I've been in your shoes and I've worked with hundreds of leaders who've been in your shoes too.

And I know exactly how to help you step back, step up and step out whatever your starting point.

Nothing changes until you do.




Monthly payment plan available (see below)

If you prefer to pay by invoice/PO please contact us at [email protected]

VAT at the current rate will be added if your UK organisation is paying

  • 4 online training modules with practical activities included - worksheets, blueprints, checklists and more. All designed to save you time.  
  • 1-1 Breakthrough to success planning session with Lynn AND  a 1-1 final  review. You'll always be on track, taking action, making  progress.
  • Private members' only Facebook group for daily support and Q and A. 
  • 11 'Live with Lynn'  group  calls for troubleshooting, coaching, feedback, encouragement and guidance  
  • 12 weeks of me by your side so you never have to figure things out on your own 
  • Two Productivity Pods to help you get the important things done
  • Two-part live masterclass on building your influence, impact and storytelling with trained actor Richard Cottier.
  • Live masterclass on building your Conversational Intelligence® - the skills you need to build trust and strong working relationships with ease.



Payment options available (see below)

  • Everything included in the Gold package PLUS
  • 3  additional hours of 1-1 time with Lynn 

If you prefer to pay by invoice/PO please contact us at [email protected]


Two Easy Payment Options

(for payment by company invoice please contact [email protected])




one-off payment



Pay Here



12 monthly payments of



Pay Here


one-off payment


Pay Here


12 monthly payments of


Pay Here

My Results Guarantee


At the beginning of this programme you will set clear intentions, goals and commitments so that this programme delivers a clear Return on Investment for you personally and professionally.  I guarantee that if you show  up on the live calls and do the work you will achieve everything you set out to do.  If you don't I will work with you until you do. 

Yes, I want this!

Liz Gee

“This programme helped me set out my vision for the culture I want to create, helped me think more clearly about how to influence and has made me more confident to empower my team to come to their own decisions. I have seen tangible results in my improved ability to open up honest conversations, managing to negotiate a solution for a great team member I didn't want to lose.”

Liz Gee, Interim Dean: Fashion Business School






Andrea Saunders

“I find it difficult to describe the positive impact Lynn has had on my professional life, at a time when I needed it most. She has a superpower that means she can tap into my most inner thoughts, beliefs and feelings, sometimes even before I'm aware of them myself as well as an ability to compassionately challenge what I say and do (and, what I DON'T say or do!). Accountability is fundamental for me, and Lynn has never let me off the hook! The Lead with Confidence programme really is a one stop shop for leaders – practical resources, group sessions where we can safely share our experiences with likeminded colleagues, implementation days giving us that focus we all struggle to achieve and just encouragement. 100% worth the investment.”

Andrea Saunders, NHS National Services Scotland Finance Business Partner

Tamara Gillan

"You are the maestro of breakthrough conversations."

Entrepreneur, Founder and Chief Cherry London and Founder of the WealthiHER network

Holly Hartley

"Working with Lynn has changed my life for the better.   She helped me to process all of these concerns and be honest and admit to myself what I really wanted my future to look like."

Former Executive Principle, Multi-Academy Trust
Yes, I want this!