Claim your Leadership Confidence Week -  9-16 July 

Oh no, you're too late! If you'd like to join the waitlist for the next one, please contact [email protected]

If not a day goes by when there are things you want to do but a lack of confidence holds you back, then ‘Claim your Leadership Confidence’ is exactly what you need.  

Instead of looking at the confident people around you and wishing you could be more like them, you’ll discover that confident, authentic version of yourself - in real time. No stress, no drama, no overwhelm.

Does this sound like you?


  • You started the week feeling confident you’d finally have that awkward conversation.  But once again, the words remain unsaid. 
  • It’s 4 p.m. on Friday, and you’re looking at the clock, wondering, ‘ Where has the week gone?’ And you’re still trying to finish that report you didn’t have the courage to say ‘no’ to.
  • Or you’re stuck in another badly run talking shop, wishing you could find the words to stop people waffling and going off on tangents.  And yet, here you are (again) seething resentfully.
  • Your boss keeps piling on the work and the goalposts keep moving but you don’t know how to say ‘stop’. 
  • And you so want to call that colleague out on her missed deadlines or garbled communication but don't want to rock the boat.
  • Your schedule has been interrupted all week with those ‘Have you got a minute?’ conversations. (Those conversations never take a minute, do they?) 
  • Or you stopped yourself from applying for that juicy new role, telling yourself you’re not confident enough, experienced enough or ‘whatever’ enough. (Choose your own word.) 
  • And you know you’re over-apologetically going around the houses instead of asking clearly and directly for what you want. 

When these things happen to talented and experienced leaders like you week in and week out, it can feel like your confidence is evaporating, not growing. 



The good news is - it doesn't have to be this way

 How about this instead?

  • You speak your mind honestly and clearly in a dignified and elegant way. 
  • You say  ‘no’ more often and your boundaries are solid. 
  • You have clear expectations that everybody understands. 
  • You’re not at everyone’s beck and call. 
  • You stand up to your boss clearly and respectfully. 
  • You don’t feel the need to rush in and fix everything. 
  • You set off searching for that dream job or promotion instead of telling yourself ‘I’m not good enough’. 
  • People pay attention and are drawn to your calm, confident energy. 

That's what you're going to be doing after a week with me.


How does Claim Your Confidence Week Work?

Before I tell you how it works, I want you to know I’ve been in your shoes. I can relate to where you’ve been - the angst and the frustration -  and I know how to help you strengthen that confidence muscle in a way that works for you. 

My superpower is honing in on the small shifts that give you the biggest results, which is why my private clients pay £500 per hour to work with me one-on-one. In  Claim Your Confidence Week you’ll  get my support for seven full days (for a fraction of what my 1-1 clients pay.) 

This is how we'll do it.


1. Confidence Quick Start  - In this live masterclass  I’ll share the five things you MUST have in place to ground yourself in confidence every day (they’re not complicated - I refuse to teach complication.)  

2. You’ll choose one area where you want to be more confident so I can immediately give you my personalised guidance. When you grow your confidence in one area, it ripples out into other areas of your life, too. 

But I’m not leaving you there! 

This isn’t one of those events where you get a bunch of ideas, make loads of notes, get all inspired, and then things fall by the wayside when you return to your inbox. 

So this is what else I’ve got for you:

3. A private pop-up Facebook community will open for the week where you can apply what you’re learning in the real world,  share your progress, celebrate your success and ask questions. I'll be adding my top tips each day on key confidence themes. Come in any time you like -  This works with your schedule.  You hold yourself accountable (with love, not judgment), we tweak anything that needs tweaking and you start showing up as the confident version of yourself. There’s something truly uplifting about being in this safe container.  A community of people on the same path as you.  And  I'll share more hot confidence tips as we go through the week. 

4. Claim that Confidence and GROW it! This live masterclass will take place at the end of the seven days. You'll build on what you've already learned and create that vision for an even more confident you. And we'll celebrate everything you've achieved in the week. 

Want in?

Here are the details


Claim your Leadership Confidence Week runs from Tuesday, July 9, to Tuesday, July 16 (the pop-up Facebook Group opens on July 1st.)

Confidence Quick Start is live on Zoom on Tuesday 9 July 10-11.30 UK time

Claim that Confidence and Grow it! is live on Zoom on Tuesday 16 July 10.11.30 UK time

The Zoom links will be sent to you once you’ve booked your place.

Both masterclasses will be recorded and uploaded to the pop-up Facebook group and available until the end of August.

Missed out but want to join us for the next one? Contact [email protected] to join the waitlist.


The cost is ÂŁ129 per person payable via credit card or PayPal.



The small print

Places are NON-REFUNDABLE once booked.


Save Your Place

One-off Payment


Pay in full now - available until 8 July


Working with Lynn

Kerry Barnard, Global Technology Director, Bauer

Lynns practical support, honest feedback and encouragement has massively improved my confidence and self-belief.

Kirsty Tompkin, Partner & Director of Finance, Nelsons Solicitors Ltd

Working with Lynn has changed what I do for the better. I have an inner confidence in myself and my ability that I didn't have before, and even if doubt creeps in, I have the tools to get back on track straight away.

Debbie Chase, Director of Public Health Southampton

As part of my work with Lynn, I gained confidence and the ability to work as a system leader.

Gareth McGuinness, VP Technology, Glaxo Smith Kline

My confidence has increased which was my main focus.

Join me, Lynn Scott ICF Master Coach to Senior Leaders

I can't wait to see you grow your confidence in real-time, and I'm looking forward to supporting you personally during Lead with Confidence week.