Carl Jung famously said that that ‘everything that irritates us about others can lead to an understanding of ourselves’.
So next time we talk about a ‘difficult’ team member, colleague or ‘friend’ – what might it teach us about ourselves?
Loud people who talk non-stop annoy me intensely. The ones that never shut up.
So somewhere inside me is probably a louder person trying to get out. To be heard.
Which is a helpful piece of self-awareness for today!
P.S. It can feel tough when you're leading in lockdown and trying to figure out what to do for the best, manage your own resilience and care for your team. My Effortless Leader Facebook community is a great place for sharing, support and resources. Come and join us if you're not already there.
When we lose the need to have all the answers and really HEAR what someone is telling us (without interrupting, analysing, justifying or judging) our personal power grows stratospherically.
And I’m talking about power WITH people not power OVER them.
Let me give you an example.
Working with a busy team in a high-tech industry recently , I noticed how one of the leaders in particular had a great capacity to hear what was being said and ‘dig deeper’ with her questions.
The others played verbal ping-pong. Now they are a great bunch of people and hugely talented. But this one leader stood out like a beacon.
She really got to understand one of the key problems in the team.
The sense of ISOLATION and LONELINESS experienced by some of the new team members. (Their words).
When we don’t listen well, we miss that very emotive language that tells us so much. So whilst everyone else talked about ‘induction policies’ this leader identified a much more powerful...
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