You’re probably familiar with the proverb “a journey of 1000 miles begins with a simple step”.
That’s true.
And once you’ve taken that first step you’ve got to keep moving forward.
(Have you ever started something – an exercise regime, a diet, a self-study programme – but then ‘life’ got in the way and you gave up or didn’t finish?).
We’ve all been there, right?
I don’t know about you but I’m much more motivated to take those steps when there’s someone doing it alongside me - for support, encouragement and a kick up the backside when I need it (which I do).
Sadly, knowing what step to take first is often the place we get stuck.
Moving from Point A to Point B seems too big a journey to contemplate (or, let’s be honest, our ‘not good enough’ voice kicks in and stops us in our tracks.)
Well, you can change this pattern if you really want to. (Do you really want to?)
As our inboxes are chocca full of stuff all about coronavirus right now I wanted to take a different approach.
In my Effortless Leader Revolution Facebook community I did three short videos this week with some practical guidance for leaders.
Please feel free to pass them on.
And there are many more resources in the Facebook Group if you want to join us.
Stay safe and well.
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