The ā€˜missing piece of the jigsawā€™ when youā€™re leading change

‘Oh great – another new initiative’ (said nobody, ever).

Just like the last one but with different buzz words and shiny new objects or the latest ‘guru speak’.

Sound familiar?

In a recent conversation I had with a leadership team, we were talking about culture change.

It’s a big, meaty topic.

We talked about recognising the culture ‘that is’ before trying to change anything. (The culture is there for a reason and we need to honour or at least understand its origins even if it’s not fit for purpose now).

People won’t buy into any change if they don’t think there is a problem or if they don’t see the need for it - however hard we push. The WIIFM question is always front of mind.

This team were brimming with ideas.

So, I asked them to imagine what some of their 'stakeholders' might say if they heard some of their ideas. 'Imagine your customers are in the room - what might they want to know about this idea'?...

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